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These techniques have been applied to a study of the generation and propagation of defects at the junctions between two seeds in mono-like silicon ingots. It was found that the solidified silicon was epitaxically grown on the seeds without creating any distorted area at the interface, but that the unavoidable small Palbociclib supplier relative misorientation between the seeds was responsible for the generation of sub-grain boundaries at the junction. Precipitates were observed, but they do not appear to be associated with dislocations. Dislocations having a strong screw component were found to occur in the area between the seeds and to propagate vertically higher in the ingot along the growth direction. Maps of the diffraction peak position allow the local distortion they induce to be quantified and the number of screw dislocations present in a bunch to be estimated. This work shows that quantitative synchrotron X-ray diffraction imaging, which provides simultaneously a high angular resolution (Cofactor solidified mono-like silicon. Acknowledgments This work is funded by the ESRF and the CEA under the Project Carnot/Solar Innovation call (project PVESRF). VAO acknowledges financial support from ECM Greentech. Footnotes 1This article will form part of a virtual special issue of the journal, presenting some highlights of the 12th Biennial Conference on High-Resolution X-ray Diffraction and Imaging (XTOP2014).""X-ray diffraction (XRD) is a well established technique to analyse the crystallographic structure of bulk materials and layers. (100)-oriented Si is the most frequently used substrate in microelectronics. To a lesser extent, (111)-oriented Si also finds application. One standard technique to detect and to study crystalline layers on such substrates is specular X-ray diffraction by �بC2�� scans using commercially available diffractometers, usually equipped with a Cu anode. Typically, Everolimus the sample alignment is done using the Si 400 or 111 reflection in such a way that during the measurement the diffraction vector is always parallel to the Si [100] or [111] direction, respectively. Such measurements very often show a peak of the Si 200 reflection at about 2�� = 33�� for Si(100) substrates and always the Si 222 reflection at about 2�� = 58.9�� for Si(111) substrates, although both reflections are known as basis-forbidden reflections. Even though the reason for the occurrence of both reflections has been known for many decades, especially concerning the Si 200 reflection daring explanations can still be found in recent publications: for example that it occurs only when the Si lattice is distorted (Zhao et al.

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