What Is really So Beneficial On KIF1A?

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5 produces roughly matched visual and vestibular heading thresholds, similar to the animals�� behavior (arrow in Figure 6B). With this weighting of opposite cells, the selective decoding model predicts similar heading thresholds for vestibular (2.33�� �� 0.04��, mean �� SEM) and visual (2.40�� �� 0.1��) conditions, as well as thresholds in the combined condition (1.58�� �� 0.01��) that are very close to the optimal prediction (1.57�� �� 0.02��, Figure 6B, green and brown curves). Critically, we note that the value of the readout index (0.5) that allows the selective-decoding model to mimic behavioral performance is the same value that we separately found to produce a pattern of CPs that approximates the experimentally observed data (Figure 5C,G). Thus, converging lines of evidence suggest a readout in which opposite cells contribute, but substantially less than congruent cells. The above simulation results Tideglusib were based on an arbitrarily sized population of neurons KIF1A (n = 1000). Not surprisingly, as the population size is varied in the simulations, predicted psychophysical thresholds decline as a function of population size in all stimulus conditions (Figure 6C). In our simulations, performance reaches a plateau at a population size of a few hundred neurons, and is roughly comparable to the animals' behavioral performance over a broad range of pool sizes. It must be noted that the extent to which performance asymptotes with population size is likely to depend on the exact structure of correlated noise, the extent to which the true decoder has full and accurate knowledge of the correlation structure, the extent to which correlated noise mimics stimulus variations and thus can be removed by decoding, and the degree of heterogeneity of the tuning curves in the population (Ecker et al., 2011; Beck et al., 2012). Importantly, however, the key experimental features that we have sought to understand here are related to the sign of CP for opposite cells and not simply the magnitude of CPs; thus, the basic qualitative nature of our findings is not likely to be altered by the considerations above. Discussion We explored the relative roles of correlated noise and selective decoding in generating the pattern of CPs observed across a population of multisensory neurons. While it is well accepted that correlated http://www.selleckchem.com/products/Enzastaurin.html noise is necessary to observe CPs in large populations of cortical neurons (Nienborg and Cumming, 2010; Cohen and Kohn, 2011; Nienborg et al., 2012), a critical question is whether CPs can also reflect selective decoding of neural responses. Both the pure-correlation model and the selective decoding model could account for the peculiar finding that opposite cells show CPs that are systematically >0.5 in the vestibular condition and

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