Where Is Kevin Bridges From

De Les Feux de l'Amour - Le site Wik'Y&R du projet Y&R.

Bridges are always overwhelming. Bridges help connect places that have never been connected before. Everyone drives their trucks, bikes, cars and trains over them regularly. But, what if you are told that there is a bridge for boats and ships too? Yes, it does sound a little kiddish, but humans, the greatest engineers have made that possible. Water Bridges are purely a wonder of modern engineering. They are also known as the navigable aqueduct, which exactly means a bridge that carries water and allows a boat or ship to navigate. Even a thought of this sounds unique and dactylic. Acting as connectors between channels and canals, these water bridges are incredible achievements of engineering and are certainly perfect places for fanciful and dreamlike experiences over water.

Some of the water bridges from all across the world are:Magdeburg Water Bridge in GermanyThe Magdeburg Water Bridge, the largest navigable aqueduct in the world, started in the year 2003. It is a connector between the Elbe and Havel channels, and is also a streamlined bridge cross over 918 Bridges Journal meters.Aqueduct Veluwemeer in Netherlands It is 25 meter long open flowing water exactly above an underpass in the center of the Veluwemeer Lake, well known as the Aqueduct Veluwemeer. It is a perfect connector between Netherland and Flevoland - two of the largest and artificial islands in the world.Pont Du Sart Aqueduct in BelgiumWell placed in the western Belgium, Pont du Sart Aqueduct weighs about 65,000 tons, nearby the town Houdeng-Goegnies. This enormous structure was constructed to carry the Centrum Kanaal water channel, which is one of the largest of its kind.Pontcysyllte Aqueduct in UKPontcysyllte Aqueduct is the longest and the highest navigable water bridges in Britain, which was formed in the year 1805. This is 307 metre long and 38 metre above the river flowing below. The Pontcysyllte Aqueduct also comes in the list of world heritage sites. Exploring this amazing destination will be on the top of your must do list.

Aqueduct Ringvaart Haarlemmermeer in NetherlandsRingvaart Haarlemmermeer Water Bridge is the oldest in the city of Netherland. It is in the shape of a circle well enclosed by the Haarlemmermeer polder - a low-lying expanse of land surrounded by dikes. The astounding structure creates the borderline of the Haarlemmermeer municipality, and makes for a lustrous sight to look at. Come and experience a completely new place.

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